Hello |*FNAME*|,
Just kidding. I don’t know your name. Neither does this thing.
I stumbled upon substack.com and was intrigued by the fact that it’s got a built-in mailing list feature. (hint hint)
From 2013-2015, I wrote a lot. I wrote something like 45 articles about nonprofits, eCommerce, and tech. I was paid $150-$400 a post and I loved it. I’ve written for Forbes, BigCommerce, Practical eCommerce, my own blog, and a random guest post here and there. You can find most of them here: https://www.kennykane.co/articles
I wrote for attention. I wrote to get noticed. I did get noticed. I got a job offer. I moved to Texas. Here I am.
In my 3.5 year hiatus from active writing, I’ve been busy. I continue to be busy, but one burning desire has remained…to write.
When I was 28, I wrote to put food on the table, living in Brooklyn well above my means. The $150 check for a blog post was a night out with my then-fiancé, Lauren.
At almost *gulp* 33, I’m writing for fun. I don’t need a job offer. (Go away LinkedIn recruiters)
You are more than welcome to join me. This website makes it really easy with the subscription thing. I think I can even charge you if I want. (I won’t do that)
I can’t promise how often I will write, but I encourage you to keep me accountable by tweeting at me or something.